Why should I even have a website?


What do you do to find answers to questions you have? The questions could be related to finding directions to a new place to eat or what time a shop closes. They can include finding someone to help you solve a problem or gathering data for a homework project. No matter the kind of question, there’s a good chance you turn to Google for help.

Let's look at some statistics. In South Africa the population is just under 60 million people. Of these about 37 million are internet users (of which 35 million use a mobile device for the Internet). Google commands a huge share of the market for what people are looking for with 87 percent worldwide and 96 percent locally.

To put this another way, this means that more than half the population in South Africa are online and using Google to find answers, research homework and solve problems.

Where does Google get its answers from?

Where does Google get the information from to answer your questions?

If you guessed websites, then you are correct. Websites can take many shapes and forms but when it comes to answering the question, Why should I even have a website? There are a few things to consider.

  1. Are you a celebrity with millions of adoring fans?
  2. Are you a well known multinational or national brand?
  3. Are you a small or medium sized business offering a service or product line?

Chances are you, like us, fit into the third category. And if this is the case you need to offer a compelling way for people to connect and engage with you. How do you do this? The most effective way is through a website.

Purchasing domain names carefully is a very important aspect of owning a website. Having a website is an important part of running a business. Make sure you are the rightful registered owner of your domain name.

People buy when they are ready

Remember people buy when they are ready. No matter how many ads you take out or flyers you print, if someone is not ready to buy then your marketing efforts will land on deaf ears or in the rubbish bin.

In recent years people’s buying habits have changed. Assuming someone is now ready to buy, what will make them choose you? What do you offer that will make them give you their (often hard-earned) money? It is no longer about selling to them but about creating trust.

How do you build trust with your customers?

How do you build enough trust that the prospective buyer or customer goes: “Yes, I want what you are offering!”?

There are a few key areas to focus on but it essentially comes down to showing that you know what you are doing, that you have their best interests at heart, that you can solve their particular problems and that others can verify this.

A website is the best possible platform and way to do this.

Trust is built on telling the truth, not telling people what they want to hear.
—Simon Sinek

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