What’s the big deal about having a mobile friendly website?

A mobile friendly website is a website that can be correctly displayed on any mobile device such as an Android phone, iPhones or tablet, as well as any size LCD screen. This allows for a consistent and streamlined experience of that website.
Many might believe that once they have a modern looking website, they can view it on any platform without any issues, however this is not the case. Once a website is designed, it also needs to be made mobile friendly so that it can be viewed on any device.
Further reading
People use their phones wherever they go
This is very important because of the fact that in todays’ society most people carry their phones or tablets with them wherever they go. This means most people will be viewing websites on the Internet through these devices.
As a result, most of your website visitors will be coming from mobile devices rather than via laptops and desktops. By not having a mobile-friendly website, you are essentially giving money away. Many mobile device owners who view websites will not go through the effort of trying to navigate a non-mobile-friendly website and will quickly move to one that is.
Purchasing domain names carefully is a very important aspect of owning a website. Having a website is an important part of running a business. Make sure you are the rightful registered owner of your domain name.
Mobile-friendly means Google is your friend
Not only does most of your website’s traffic come from people using mobile devices, but not having a mobile-friendly website can also negatively impact where you are listed (or ranked) in search engines, especially Google, as they give preference to mobile friendly websites.
Mobile shopping is also becoming a much-preferred way of purchasing for online shoppers due to the convenience that it provides. By not having a mobile friendly website you are once again shooting yourself in the foot. In South Africa the population is just under 60 million people, of these about 37 million are internet users, of which 35 million use a mobile device for the Internet.
So after reading this, if you still don’t have a mobile-friendly website, you are a very silly goose.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson