What is SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)?


SEO explained

SEO or “Search Engine Optimisation” involves the processes used to increase the amount of quality unpaid traffic to your website through search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, et al. SEO is important if you want your website to succeed. If nobody is viewing your website, then people won’t see what your business provides and therefore you won’t get the sales and customers you deserve. SEO helps rectify this by helping Google, or whichever search engine is being used, to rank your website higher on searches so that your business pops up more frequently when people are searching for specific information or solutions to their problems.

Purchasing domain names carefully is a very important aspect of owning a website. Having a website is an important part of running a business. Make sure you are the rightful registered owner of your domain name.

Why is it important?

Search engines use clever apps or programs called bots which gather information about specific pages. These bots, also known as internet bots or web robots, are automated software applications that are linked to the search engine in question and they traverse the internet to gather information about websites. This information is analyzed by specific algorithms, another part of the search engine. These algorithms focus on special ranking factors and signals which work out and determine the context and relevance of order certain pages so the best ones show up in search results. Content quality and keywords are important factors for content optimisation. Crawlability is a search engine's ability to access and crawl content on a website. A website’s crawlability, content quality and mobile friendliness are all important so that search engines can provide people with the best user experience when searching for specific information.

I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.
—Thomas Edison

Other ways to enhance SEO

Other important SEO actions include pagespeed, which is explained in the name. The speed at which your website loads is very important in SEO as it deals with user satisfaction. Search engines, specifically Google rate this very highly. If your website does not load fast enough, your customers will most likely leave and try another website which can have a negative impact on your website’s traffic.

There is also search intent which involves website owners pasting a topic into a keyword research tool to help find certain keywords and phrases that people search for often. These keywords and phrases can then be included in the website content. It is very important when doing this is to ensure the overall page content aligns with the search intent of the keyword or phrase.

There are other ways to enhance SEO for your website, however those mentioned stand out the most when it comes to Google’s ranking system. Not having SEO is not the end of the world, however, it will result in a lot less traffic moving through your website and your main aim for a website is to elevate your professionalism and get as much business as possible.

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