I can’t really write, can you write my website content for me?

A common concern many web developers hear from clients is that they struggle to put their content together. This could be due to them not being very good at writing or not knowing what they need to include, or simply not having the time to put the content together.
Creating the content for a website can be very daunting especially when clients are under stress due to workload or other commitments that come with starting a new company, often the motivation for a new website. Lack of time and focus can influence what content is put together and how long it takes to put it together. This can result in delays in the website development which, in turn, can impact the business. No website for people to view your services and no way to contact you if they have an interest in what you provide.
Further reading
Content is the most important aspect of your business website
Content is the most important aspect of your business website. It shows your customers exactly what it is that you do as a business, how the business can help them, as well as answering any other relevant questions.
And, talking of questions, you need to be able to answer all the potential questions your clients may need answering before they decide to buy from you. Most people in today’s society don’t have the time to sift through a bunch of websites trying to find the information they are looking for.
Most customers will move onto another business within minutes if not seconds if the website doesn’t answer the specific questions they may have. This is why having the right content, as well as not having too much unnecessary content, is very important for your website.
Purchasing domain names carefully is a very important aspect of owning a website. Having a website is an important part of running a business. Make sure you are the rightful registered owner of your domain name.
Can we write the content for you?
But back to the original question: Can we write the content for you? The short answer to this question is: Yes we can write and gather your content for you, but we don’t want to. One of the reasons Tech Warrior charges what we do for our Small Business Websites is because we don’t offer content creation. On top of that, we don’t know anything about your business. You know your business better than any writer out there. So we strongly recommend you do the content yourself.
How can I put quality content together when I don’t know how to write properly?
But now you could be asking yourself, how can I put quality content together that will be relevant to my business website when I don’t know how to write properly? At Tech Warrior, we have a specially designed online scope and content document that we share with clients.
This document guides you through the content creation process using a number of specially designed questions. This document updates in real time so that we can see which questions have been answered and which questions you may be struggling with.
It also prevents the back and forth game when sending separate documents via email, which can lead to information getting lost and the latest versions not being used.
The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.
—Thomas Jefferson
You know your business better than anyone
The scope and content document is comprehensive yet simple to understand. We strongly believe that the client should compile the content as they know their business and what they do better than anyone, no matter how good, or bad, a writer they are.
The content is not meant to be a Shakespearian play that will be used to write an essay for your English exam. It is supposed to represent who you are as a business, what services you provide, and how you can help your customers.
The scope and content document we use allows the client to take a deep breath, and realise that this whole content thing isn’t actually that bad! It is a whole lot easier with the correct guidance.