Can I change what the website looks like?

Customising your website
"Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants, so long as it is black." said Henry Ford of the Model T. The Model T Ford, generally regarded as the first affordable car in America only came in black. This was so quality vehicles could be produced in an efficient and affordable way.
Tech Warrior uses the same principles - quality, efficiency, affordability. It streamlines the building or development process so the client gets a good looking, robust website that matches and supports the needs of the small business and doesn’t cost a fortune.
Purchasing domain names carefully is a very important aspect of owning a website. Having a website is an important part of running a business. Make sure you are the rightful registered owner of your domain name.
If you choose one of our Small Business Websites products then you will be able to make some changes to the way the website looks but you won’t be able to have a bespoke, custom, built-from-scratch website that looks unlike anything else out there.
The reason Tech Warrior doesn’t generally offer a fully customised website relates to cost and time for both us and the client. As the adage goes, we’ve been around the block, more than a few times over the past 25 years, consequently our Small Business Websites product is designed to be contained, fast and reliable.
There isn’t toing-and-froing between both parties, our trusty sales and support team guide our clients through the content building process helping them produce some of the best content around. It may seem like a laborious task which requires an investment of time, but in practice the content for the website comes easily.
Further reading
So can I change the way the website looks? Yes, you can. To a point. Like all cars have wheels, a steering wheel and seats, so too your website needs the basic structure. You choose the colours, add your logo and your unique branding and content.
We have built enough websites to know what works versus what does not. At the end of the day we want what’s best for our clients, new, old and recurring: stellar looking websites, with their colours, images, content and logos which are built without stress and headaches and instead developed with ease, speed and guidance from the very first step.