World Heart Day

No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart.
—Shanina Shaik
World Heart Day is important to Tech Warrior for a variety of reasons, some personal and some community centric.
On the personal front, my grandfather has battled with heart related issues from a young age, inadvertently raising the awareness of our family members, friends and colleagues.
Here’s a list of a few things I like to use for building my ‘heart fitness’; the next time you have a few moments to spare give them a whirl:
- Spend 5 minutes outside with your face in the sunshine and feet on the grass; this has proven benefits like helping to lower your heart rate, stress levels and blood pressure
- Take a short walk and get your body active - getting the blood flowing throughout your body helps oxygenate your blood, which helps your muscles and combats fatigue
- Practice slow and controlled breathing before you go to bed and when you wake up
What are a few things you practice to help keep your heart healthy? Let us know!