The Power of images

The old adage about a picture painting a thousand words is more appropriate today than ever before. With the rise and rise and rise of social media, people have become more attuned to seeing visuals and engaging with them.
Today's fastest growing social media sites are visually based - Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram have all seen huge subscriber growth and all of them are highly focused on pictures. But this post is about websites not social media.
Using images is an integral part of publishing content on your website. One of Tech Warrior's guiding principles is to simplify. This is why I'm very excited to talk about a "hidden" feature of our website product. We've taken the grunt out of editing imagery so you can have great looking visuals in your content. We know what it takes to generate good textual content and we're supporting this effort by offering you a great selection of images which will enhance whatever you have to say.
We've published our first library of "page and post featured images" for you to use on your website. There are are few different categories to choose from and we'll be adding more images as time goes by. If your perfect page or post is waiting for the right image, wait no more! Pop along to our image library and pick one.