A thrifty passion for bric-a-brac

Thrift, as defined by the Merriam-Webster english dictionary, is the careful management, especially of money. Thrifting then, is the action of spending a set amount of money to maximise the total amount of goods one will receive, similarly to someone who is frugal.
Thrifting is often associated to shopping, either for antiques, gently used clothing items, books and the like. The list goes on. It's the idea of reduce, recycle, repurpose that comes to mind and this is what Zoe at Still Life has a great enthusiasm, skill and passion for.
Nestled in and amongst other arty-crafty restaurants and shops in the Linden suburbs, Zoe has established for herself an attractive shop filled with all manner of wonderful bric-a-brac. If you're looking for a one-of-a-kind gift for either for yourself, a loved one or a work colleague there's a 110% chance Zoe can assist.
When Tech Warrior set out on this particular website journey the overriding desire was to create something that reflected the space Zoe had created. A vibrant, fresh and quirky shop which is open to all, and appreciated by many.
Bottling Zoe's creativity and mixing it with Tech Warrior's understanding has resulted in a website that is both energizing and practical. Thank you, Zoe, for choosing Tech Warrior to develop a website that is as charming as your store!
Read Zoe's feedback below:
1 - What made you choose to work with Tech Warrior?
Matthew and Tristan had previously designed and printed my business cards and they were delightful, so using Tech Warrior was an easy decision
2 - If you had any hesitation about using Tech Warrior, what was it?
The only hesitation was, possibly the price involved as I was on a tight budget
3 - What were the three things you liked most about working with Tech Warrior?
- The professional approach to the brief and asking good, solid, questions
- Showing me the different layouts for the website and in so doing it made the visual aspect easier for me to plan my story
- Keeping me updated on the progress made and setting a date and time for work entailed
Zoe Leesam